Contact us
Scandic Laholmen
Laholmen 1
452 30, Strömstad
Phone: +46 (0)526 197 00
We are Nordic Swan Ecolabelled and affiliated with Sustainability Life!
By choosing our Swan-labelled hotel, you help to reduce the overall environmental and climate impact of your stay.
This means that we work systematically to reduce the environmental impact of our operations. We wish you as our guest a pleasant stay!
- We are economical with water, energy and chemicals
- We serve a variety of organic food and drinks and a vegetarian main course every day
- We limit the use of disposable items and sort waste so that we can recycle as much as possible
Better for the environment. Better for you.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the official environmental label of the Nordic countries. By choosing this hotel, you contribute to reduce the overall environmental and climate impact.
Stepping up Sustainability
Hållbarhetsklivet is West Sweden's joint initiative for a sustainable tourism industry. Here, public and private actors act to transform to a sustainable society.
Together we create economically viable businesses and tourism that does not have an unnecessary environmental impact and is appreciated by both residents and visitors. We achieve success through continuous improvement with a focus on concrete initiatives. Nothing happens by itself. Achieving a sustainable tourism industry requires governance, and everyone has to play their part.
Hållbarhetsklivet is directly linked to several of the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus on Goal 8 (sub-goal 8.9), Goal 12 (sub-goal 12b) and Goal 13 (sub-goal 13.3).
Collaboration with CleanSea
CleanSea is a company committed to cleaning the beaches along the West Coast and encourages local businesses to support them in their work on the various bays most in need of cleaning.
We are proud to be part of this initiative and we have adopted the bay at Norra Tjurpannan. CleanSea cleans this area 4-5 times a year with the help of our financial support.
We receive regular updates about the project and sometimes our staff joins in and cleans.
We are happy to help this young company of dedicated entrepreneurs working for a better environment!
Collaboration with Nordic SeaFarm
Humanity has made enormous strides in streamlining our global food supply. Unfortunately, the same industrialization of agriculture and unsustainable animal husbandry have led to extreme violations on our planet. If we want to give the next generations a future, it requires that we all radically change our cultivation and consumption behaviours.
Nordic SeaFarm runs a sustainable seaweed farm in the sea outside Grebbestad, about 30 kilometers from Strömstad. They also run the project My SeaFarm, where restaurants around Sweden get the opportunity to grow and harvest their own seaweed where we participate. This means that in our kitchen we use our own farmed seaweed in the cooking, we have priority over the primroses and support Nordic SeaFarm in their important work.
We are convinced that this is just the beginning of organic and plant-based food grown in the sea and that history is ahead of us.
We are part of the blue revolution!